聖彼得堡理工大學徵求科技部臺俄雙邊合作計畫合作夥伴 - 乾淨能源、AI
Ekaterina Sokolova <sokolenergo@mail.ru>
Dear colleagues,
Recently it was announced the RSF-MOST Cooperation: Possibility for Joint Taiwan-Russian Project, Call 2022 (https://ora.nsysu.edu.tw/p/406-1045-274733,r133.php?Lang=zh-tw or https://www.rscf.ru/upload/iblock/571/tq1mpqv24npc6wdxftm9nkh3s6gibk4u.pdf)
The deadline is April 22nd 2022. Research group from Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic university (St.Petersburg, Russia) is searching for a Partner for this Call and suggest to do a joint application in topic 4 (Clean Energy).
The suggested subject could be the combination of nuclear-renewable sources for co-generation applications
According to the Paris agreement, which has been done in 2015, many countries in the world are trying to get the net zero emissions in recent future. The main question here is that "how nuclear co-generation or particularly nuclear-renewable can enable the deep decarbonization of the Taiwan (Russian) economy?"
In this field our group can work in different parts of this question (we have articles about each part, so we will have a good chance to be accepted).
Please share this information with the relevant Department / research group. In case if this topic doesn’t suit you well we can shift our topic to renewable energy sources. We are also open for working in artificial intelligence fields.
Kindly let us know your feedback.
We are looking forward to fruitful collaboration and ready to start to write our common application.
Personal regards,