
2023國際文化系列講座 International Culture Talks - OSUN Student Mobility

"探索全新的交換機會! OSUN等你來
OSUN OSUN, you've probably heard the name, but have you ever wondered what it truly is, how it all comes together, and the fantastic opportunities it can open up for you?"
This semester, we're excited to host 6 incoming exchange students from around the globe:
American University of Central Asia, in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan
* American University in Bulgaria, in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
* Central European University in Vienna Austria,
* Tuskegee University, in Tuskegee U.S.A.
* Universidad de los Andes, in Bogotá Colombia
Wanna uncover the secrets behind? Discover why they chose OSUN, how they made it happen, and the key to getting admitted Don't miss out! Join us at the International Culture Talk and be part of this exciting adventure."
  • 日期 Date | November 8 2023 (Wed)
  • 時間 Time | 4:20PM-6:00PM (4:20PM-4:30PM報到Sign-in)
  • 地點 Venue | 圖資10樓西灣學院創新教室C Room SW1005C, 10F of Library
  • 報名截止日期 Registration Deadline | 2 pm November 3rd (Fri.), 2023
  • 報名連結 Online Registration | Click to join us!
注意事項 Notice |
因座位有限,需事先網路報名 Seats are limited. Please register in advance.
活動以英文進行。The talk will be conducted in English.
      Refreshments will be provided during the talk session, if you are not able to attend after successful registration, please inform us in advance via email (oia.exchange2@mail.nsysu.edu.tw) to help us with meal planning. Thank you!
(4) 報名額滿時,將於4:20開放現場候補。When the registration is full, a waiting list will be available on-site starting from 4:20 PM.