
[說明會/Info session] VIA赴美短期計畫(社會創新或醫療) / VIA social innovation and health care programs in the US

VIA(Volunteer in Asia)是於1960年代成立於美國史丹佛大學的非營利組織,提供美國及亞洲地區學生赴海外體驗學習、交流與志願服務的各項計畫,協助參加者透過計畫參與,培養解決問題的創新思維與能力,同時創造跨文化的連結,自成立至今已選送超過6000位亞洲地區學生赴美參加相關計畫、以及超過2000位美國學生至亞洲參與志願服務與學習計畫。
Founded in 1960s at Stanford University, VIA(Volunteer in Asia) is a California-based nonprofit organization offering many exchange, experiential learning and volunteer programs between the US and Asia, fostering self-reflection, creative problem-solving, and cross-cultural connection. So far, VIA has sent more than 6000 participants from Asia to attend programs in the US, and more than 2000 participants to engage in service with local communities in Asia.

VIA is offering the following programs this summer, and the OIA is holding a info session on April 29. Join the session if you are interested!

▲點擊以下計畫名稱瞭解更多/Click on the program names below for more information:
Exploring Social Innovation (ESI) program 
Exploring Health Care (EHC) program Silicon Valley

[說明會/Info session] VIA赴美短期計畫(社會創新或醫療) / VIA social innovation and health care programs in the US
日期/Date:2024/4/29 (Monday)
地點/Venue:改為管理學院 1032教室 (please note the venue has been changed to CM1032, College of Management)
講者/Presenter:Kazutoh Ishida, Ph.D., Executive Director 
報名連結/Registration:點此報名/Click here for registration

▲For more information, click here to connect to the official website of VIA▲

