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2020 聖誕語言桌暨冬至暖心食湯圓活動 2020 Christmas Language Table & Winter Solstice Celebration




日期 Date | Dec. 23, 2020 (Wed.)

時間 Time |

Session 1. 聖誕語言桌 Christmas Language Table

2:00 PM – 2:20 PM 報到 Registration

2:20 PM - 2:30 PM 開場致詞 Welcome Remark

2:30 PM – 4:00 PM 語言交換&交換禮物 Language & Gift Exchange

Session 2. 冬至暖心食湯圓 Winter Solstice Celebration

4:00 PM – 4:20 PM報到 Registration

4:20 PM – 5:30 PM 搓湯圓體驗 Handmade Tangyuan Workshop

地點 Venue | 菩提樹下 Bodhi Tree Square

報名截止日期 Registration Deadline | 5 PM, Dec. 9, 2020


 - 重要 Important - 

*** 報名成功者需攜帶一個禮物到場與他人的禮物做交換,請準備一個你已不再需要,但其他人可能會想要的、狀況良好的物品。請不要另行購買。

若你手邊沒有適合的物品,為他人做一件好事也可以,舉例: 為抽到禮物的人煮一道傳統料理、分享你的旅遊秘境...等等。只要是你認為他人會欣然接受的事情都可以。

我們會在現場準備紙筆,你可以將你的好事寫在紙上交給我們。若你決定攜帶實體的禮物,請包裝好後再交給我們。 ***

*** You are requested to bring one gift to the language table event and exchange yours with others', which has to be something you owned already and in good condition. Do not buy the gift. Choose one thing that you may not use anymore but somebody else might need it.

If you can't think of a physical item, a kind deed or service will do. For example, you can cook traditional dish for them, tell a famous story of your country for them, or anything you can think of that people would be happy to receive. We will provide you a piece of paper on-site. You can write the non-physical gift on it and hand it in upon sign-in. If you will bring a physical gift, please wrap it up so that people won't see it directly. ***


注意事項 Notice |

(1) 因座位有限,需事先網路報名,報名成功者會收到確認信。 

Seats are limited. Please register in advance. Those who successfully registered will receive a confirmation email.

(2) 因應新冠肺炎疫情,請配戴口罩。

Please wear a mask as you might not maintain 1m social distancing with others.

(3) 活動將提供點心與熱可可,如報名成功但因故無法前來,請務必提前來信(oia.exchange@mail.nsysu.edu.tw)告知,以利統計餐點份數,謝謝! 

We will provide refreshments and hot chocolate on-site, if you cannot join us after successfully registered due to inevitable reasons, please inform us through email (oia.exchange@mail.nsysu.edu.tw) in advance. Thank you!


  • Sorry, registration is full, thank you for your support