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Pre-arrival Handbook




Orientation & Chinese Placement Tests


The Orientation and Welcome Party are usually held on a Friday before the class starts.

The dorm is usually open for check-in 2 days before the orientation day.

All exchange students are required to attend the orientation. Please check with your OIA coordinator for the confirmed dates.


Chinese Language Placement Tests

Students who choose to join the Chinese Language Course with Chinese proficiency should complete the Chinese language placement tests online. The Chinese Language Center will arrange students to appropriate levels according to the results of the tests. 

If students miss the tests, they will not be arranged to any class. 


Requirements for Registration

Travel Insurance

Students are required to purchase overseas travel insurance with medical and accident policies which cover the whole duration of their stay in Taiwan. The insurance plan in English or Chinese version must be submitted upon registration.


Health Examination

All exchange students are required to complete health examinations before coming to Taiwan.

One-semester students: Health Certification for Short-term Students (Form C)

One-year students: Health Certification - Form B

A copy (either physical or digital) of the certificate must be submitted upon registration.



Prepare a debit card that is available for withdrawing cash from abroad.

The amount of monthly/weekly limit should be enough for the payment of registration. For details, please refer to the Fees on the overview page.


Buddy Program

Each of the exchange students will be assigned to a buddy who is currently an NSYSU student. They should receive their buddy's first contact email 2-3 weeks before the class starts. If you are an exchange student, feel free to contact your buddy if you have any questions about NSYSU or Taiwan. Please be aware that all buddies volunteer to help without any obligation.

If you did not receive their contact before the class started, please contact the OIA coordinator.