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 The STAR Scholarship (for Lithuanian students) 


The “Taiwan-Lithuania Semiconductor Talent and Research Scholarship Program” is provided by Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in cooperation with NSYSU.

The Scholarship includes:

  • Monthly stipend of NTD25,000 (≒€790) (provided by MOFA)
  • Tuition waiver (provided by NSYSU)


  • Master's and doctoral level students (including degree, dual degree, exchange, and visiting students)
  • Post-doctoral researchers

Academic areas:

  • Electrical engineering
  • Communications engineering
  • Mechanical and electro-mechanical engineering
  • Photonics
  • Materials and optoelectronic science
  • Computer science and engineering
  • Physics
  • Chemistry

For inquiry, please contact oia.exchange@mail.nsysu.edu.tw